Culture & Cuisine

What should I buy as gifts on visiting Danang?

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Apart from the stunning natural beauty and peaceful life flow, Da Nang is well-known by its local souvenirs. While you are in Da Nang, don't miss the chance to get all the unique stuff as quick as possible. Look at these below recommendation to pack some of the best gifts for their family.

Tre Ba De

The Hue, Quang Nam and Da Nang inhabitants have a particular kind of food named Tre, once considered as a dish for poor people. No matter how "rural and simple" is it, tre is still a favorable dish to many people because of its irresistible taste of spicy and sourness. Tre is made from the fertimented pork ears, pork nose, bacon. Tre is normally served like an appetizer in daily meals as well as in some ceremonies.


Kho Me cake – Cam Le sesame cake

Cam Le sesame cake is one of the specialities of Da Nang which is made of glutinous flour, rice flour, granulated sugar, ginger and sesames. Cam Le village is one of the most famous place selling Khom Me cake. This village is about 6 km away from the south of Da Nang city. What sets this cake apart is its sugar which is well-exsiccated. Afer being shattered, the sugar must be like the flimsy yellow silk cords. Sesame cake gives an extra sweet kick for those who are cake lovers.


Nam O fish sauce

Fish sauce is very popular in Viet Nam with various kinds. Unlike the other kinds of fish sauce, Nam O fish sauce which is made in Nam O fishing village produces unique fish sauce from only long–jawed anchovy. The fish to make sauce is preserved by Ca Na salt which is taken form Ca Na beach in Ninh Thuan province. The grains of salts there are bigger than other kinds of salt, dried on a cement floor for five or seven days and kept in pottery vats for some years before being used. Therefore, Nam O fish sauce is dark red with a delicious aroma. The fish must be fresh and cleaned in sea water instead of fresh water to maintain its smell during long time of preservation. The vats must be made from special woods like jackfruit wood. In the first months of Lunar new year, the preserved mixture is filtered through a piece of silk. Afterwards, we have dark red fish sauce with a good flavour which is called Nam O fish sauce.


Cha bo – Beef roll

Another worthy gift to bring back home is Cha Bo Da Nang. A kind of local beef roll which is widely rated as one of the most local and popular foods in this coastal city. Cha Bo in Da Nang is extremely tasty, healthy, free from the preservative materials and alum. Also, the smell of beef roll is so good that you just want to eat immediately. The beef roll slice is reddish, slightly sweet but also crisp and tough. Cha bo is made of fresh beef which is taken from beef shank. It is used to be eaten with pickled vegetables, fermented pork roll and served as an appetizer in parties as well as the stuff to eat along while drinking beer or rice wine. In addition, cha bo is a familiar ingredient of Banh Mi fillings.


My Khe seaweed

My Khe beach is not just famous for its beauty but for its natural product as well. It is home to the kind of algae such as gold seaweed, propeller seaweed which offers a high export value. My Khe seaweed is also a gift you should buy when coming to Danang. This long, brittle and green seaweed plays an important role in many hand to mouth dishes as soup, salad, etc.



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