The Spa (スパ)

ベトナム風のスパ。 静かな空間、爽やかで軽い香り、リラクゼーション音楽。 THE SPAでのスパトリートメントは、リラックスした気持ちに導き、精神の自然空間に足を踏み入れるかのように、自分らしいと感じる一番身に染みる瞬間を楽しみます。

Follow green inspiration, the rooms at CHICLAND Hotel do not focus on luxury. Inspiring by Zen architectural style which is the Japanese interior that having the irreducible interior - Milimalism. This style is believed to bring the balance and peace. With local materials such as bamboo and palapa-thatched roofs complement the hotel’s beach setting perfectly. Interior design in all rooms, simple as well as exciting, they are characterized by the natural hues of wood, cream stones walls, concrete ceiling and furnishings dressed in nature-catching colors.
